Friday, January 27, 2012

The Danger of Sun Beams on a Writer's Protagonist

I fell today over sun beam. We haven't had much sun as of late, and I guess I forgot the strong winter rays have a tendency to trip people who don't pay attention. I also fell last November. Same reason. Sun beam. I hit hard last November. I actually thought I'd broken my knee, because I had nothing to brace myself with when I went down. It's still discoloured, and I don't walk right, but I think that's more the arthritis then the fall, though it hurts. But today's (Thursday) fall got me worried. Aside from the grapefruit looking ankle, a few marks on my side, and the glancing blow to my head when I head butted the car (car won), I find my wrist starting to hurt. It's several hours later, and writing this is painful, and I'm not sure that everything I wrote will make sense tomorrow.

I don't write about superheros. I must remember that when my detective has to hit someone, he might knock them down, but his hand is really, really going to hurt soon after, if not immediately. Writing lesson tucked away that's not part of Elmore Leonard's top ten rules.

#11. Dangerous sun beams and knockout punches have to hurt the protagonist as well as the villain. And the best example of it ever was Indiana Jones in the hull of the ship with Marion Ravenwood trying to find a place that doesn't hurt to plant a kiss on poor Indy. I could use her now.


Carole Lane James said...

So sorry about your fall Rick. Be careful out there in the sunlight! It'll fool ya. Don't want those fingers getting bruised or bent. What on earth would you do with all those thoughts, if you couldn't get them out..

Rick Bylina said...

I guess Sydney, my cockatiel, would have to learn to take dictation. :-)

Ankle has some purplish areas; fingers are okay; mind is just as warped and productive as ever.