Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Steal this idea - "Waterless World"

The city of Raleigh, NC has 37 days of water left by some estimates and will be out of water in January, 2008 according to the Army Corps of Engineers. I've had 2.3 - 2.4 inches of rain since mid-July (and precious little before that). What happens when a major city runs out of water? It might happen in our lifetime to some big city. I think this idea is ripe for those futuristic science fiction writers out there to explore. What are the contingency plans? Dig wells? Buy water, but from whom? Truck in water? Why are the largest water users in most city water systems paying the cheapest amount for water? Is there a conspiracy there? How will our enemies (friends, what's that?) react and support us. What happens when an entire country runs out of water? Yemen is supposed to run out of water by 2015 and has already dug wells for water over a mile deep only to find nothing! Maybe Kevin Costner will star in the movie version.


Anonymous said...

Makes me glad I live on one of the Great Lakes (Ontario). It's 700 feet deep in some parts...at least, that's what I heard.

Nancy P said...

Omg, Rick. I had no idea about Raleigh.

Rick Bylina said...

Lake Ontario: max depth: 802 feet.

At least we haven't had the nasty fires that SCal has been having.

I still think it is fertile ground for some sf novel. And I still can't believe how expensive desalinization is.

Anonymous said...

I know Greensboro went on rationing when I was there a couple of weeks ago, and High Point was next. Hope you get some rain soon, Rick - that's just scary, thinking about an entire city out of water...