Friday, January 18, 2008

How to write about a disaster! Create one!!

Morning? No coffee; no diet coke; no chocolate; no sun. Shelves in pantry fell down. Must fix. You don't understand the size of my pantry! 17x6!! Note to self. Never store the Kitchen Aid on the upper shelf. Is that molasses on the floor or dragon blood? Amazingly, no glass broke, but there's this eerie looking pattern on the back wall that I think leads to the fourth dimension. A trail of socks leads to it, and I'm sure that something passed through it to knock down the shelves. This is how adventures begin. Who knows where it will lead.


Nancy P said...

When we send out the search party, they'll follow your sticky footprints.

Report back to us! If you can. . .

Jack Getze said...

Sorry, dude. I was looking for some of those caramels.

Larry Kollar said...

Argh. A day at FAR Manor without a crisis is a day we're all Somewhere Else.

Daughter Dearest saw the shelves in her closet go down once: it started at one end and went all the way around. Previous victim, oops I mean owner, just stuck them in the sheetrock. I put them back up & mounted them to the studs.

Rick Bylina said...

Found chocolate; found diet coke; had flashback of Twilight Zone episode when a little girl fell into another dimension behind her bed. Freaky scary!